myproxy ======= What is myproxy? ---------------- myproxy is a proxy server for MySQL. It is configured and customized with a Lua script. Configuration ------------- .. highlight:: lua The file :file:`/etc/cm4all/myproxy/config.lua` is a `Lua `_ script which is executed at startup. It contains at least one :samp:`mysql_listen()` call, for example:: handler = {} function handler.on_connect(client) end function handler.on_handshake_response(client, handshake_response) return m:connect('', handshake_response) end mysql_listen('/run/cm4all/myproxy/myproxy.sock', handler) The first parameter is the socket path to listen on. Passing the global variable :envvar:`systemd` (not the string literal :samp:`"systemd"`) will listen on the sockets passed by systemd:: mysql_listen(systemd, handler) To use this socket from within a container, move it to a dedicated directory and bind-mount this directory into the container. Mounting just the socket doesn't work because a daemon restart must create a new socket, but the bind mount cannot be refreshed. The second parameter is a table containing callback functions: - ``on_connect(client)`` is invoked as soon as a client connects. This method may collect information about this client in the ``notes`` table or change the ``server_version`` attribute. To reject the client, return ``client:err("error message")``. - ``on_handshake_response(client, handshake_response)`` decides what to do with a login attempt by a client. This function receives a client object which can be inspected and the contents of the ``HandshakeResponse`` packet received from the client. - ``on_command_phase(client)`` is invoked after successful login. It is important that callback functions finish quickly. They must never block, because this would block the whole daemon process. This means they must not do any network I/O, launch child processes, and should avoid anything but querying the parameters. Prometheus Exporter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The function ``prometheus_listen(ADDRESS)`` creates a simple HTTP listener which exposes statistics in the `Prometheus format `__. Example:: prometheus_listen("*:8022") prometheus_listen("/run/cm4all/myproxy/prometheus_exporter.socket") ``SIGHUP`` ^^^^^^^^^^ On ``systemctl reload cm4all-myproxy`` (i.e. ``SIGHUP``), myproxy calls the Lua function ``reload`` if one was defined. It is up to the Lua script to define the exact meaning of this feature. Inspecting Client Connections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following attributes of the ``client`` parameter can be queried: * :samp:`pid`: The client's process id. * :samp:`uid`: The client's user id. * :samp:`gid`: The client's group id. * :samp:`account`: Set this to an identifier of the user account. This will be used in the log prefix and for choosing a cluster node. * :samp:`cgroup`: The control group of the client process with the following attributes: * ``path``: the cgroup path as noted in :file:`/proc/self/cgroup`, e.g. :file:`/user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-42.scope` * ``xattr``: A table containing extended attributes of the control group. * ``parent``: Information about the parent of this cgroup; it is another object of this type (or ``nil`` if there is no parent cgroup). * :samp:`server_version`: The server version string. In ``on_connect``, this attribute may be modified to announce a different version to the client. After a connection to the real server has been established, this attribute contains the version announced by that server. * :samp:`notes`: a table where the Lua script can add arbitrary entries Login Callback Actions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The login callback (i.e. ``HandshakeResponse``) can return one of these actions: * ``client:connect(address, handshake_response)`` connects to the specified address and proxies all queries to it. Parameters: - ``address``: a ``SocketAddress`` or a ``mysql_cluster`` object. - ``handshake_response``: a table containing the keys ``user``, ``password`` and ``database``. The ``handshake_response`` parameter passed to the callback function can be used here (the function is allowed to modify it). Instead of ``password``, ``password_sha1`` can be set to a string containing the SHA1 digest (20 bytes, raw, not hex). This requires a server which supports ``mysql_native_password``, and works because that authentication method does not require knowing the cleartext password, only its SHA1 digest. * ``client:err("Error message")`` fails the handshake with the specified message. Addresses ^^^^^^^^^ It is recommended to create all ``SocketAddress`` objects during startup, to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the Lua garbage collector, and to reduce the overhead for invoking the system resolver (which blocks myproxy execution). The function `mysql_resolve()` creates such an `address` object:: server1 = mysql_resolve('') server2 = mysql_resolve('[::1]:4321') server3 = mysql_resolve('server1.local:1234') server4 = mysql_resolve('/run/server5.sock') server5 = mysql_resolve('@server4') These examples do the following: - convert a numeric IPv4 address to a ``SocketAddress`` object (port defaults to 3306, the MySQL standard port) - convert a numeric IPv6 address with a non-standard port to an ``SocketAddress`` object - invoke the system resolver to resolve a host name to an IP address (which blocks myproxy startup; not recommended) - convert a path string to a "local" socket address - convert a name to an abstract "local" socket address (prefix ``@`` is converted to a null byte, making the address "abstract") If you have a cluster of replicated MySQL servers, you can construct it with ``mysql_cluster()``, passing an array of addresses to it:: cluster = mysql_cluster({ '', '', mysql_resolve('server1.local:1234'), }) An optional second parameter is a table of options: - ``monitoring``: if ``true``, then myproxy will peridiocally connect to all servers to see whether they are available; failing servers will be excluded - ``user`` and ``password``: if monitoring is enabled, try to log in with these credentials - ``no_read_only``: if ``true``, then servers which are not read-only will be preferred; set this option if you want myproxy to select the active master instance automatically (depends on ``monitoring`` and ``user`` / ``password``) - ``disconnect_unavailable``: if ``true`` and a node becomes unavailable through monitoring, then all proxied connections to that node will be closed (if a node exists that is available) When using such a cluster with ``client:connect()``, myproxy will automatically choose a node using consistent hashing with the ``client.account`` attribute. libsodium ^^^^^^^^^ There are some `libsodium `__ bindings. `Helpers `__:: bin = sodium.hex2bin("deadbeef") -- returns "\xde\xad\xbe\ef" hex = sodium.bin2hex("A\0\xff") -- returns "4100ff" `Generating random data `__:: key = sodium.randombytes(32) `Sealed boxes `__:: pk, sk = sodium.crypto_box_keypair() ciphertext = sodium.crypto_box_seal('hello world', pk) message = sodium.crypto_box_seal_open(ciphertext, pk, sk) `Point*scalar multiplication __:: pk = sodium.crypto_scalarmult_base(sk) PostgreSQL Client ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Lua script can query a PostgreSQL database. First, a connection should be established during initialization:: db = pg:new('dbname=foo', 'schemaname') In the handler function, queries can be executed like this (the API is similar to `LuaSQL `__):: local result = assert(db:execute('SELECT id, name FROM bar')) local row = result:fetch({}, "a") print(, Query parameters are passed to ``db:execute()`` as an array after the SQL string:: local result = assert( db:execute('SELECT name FROM bar WHERE id=$1', {42})) The functions ``pg:encode_array()`` and ``pg:decode_array()`` support PostgreSQL arrays; the former encodes a Lua array to a PostgreSQL array string, and the latter decodes a PostgreSQL array string to a Lua array. To listen for `PostgreSQL notifications `__, invoke the ``listen`` method with a callback function:: db:listen('bar', function() print("Received a PostgreSQL NOTIFY") end) Examples ^^^^^^^^ TODO About Lua ^^^^^^^^^ `Programming in Lua `_ (a tutorial book), `Lua 5.3 Reference Manual `_. Note that in Lua, attributes are referenced with a dot (e.g. :samp:``), but methods are referenced with a colon (e.g. :samp:`client:err()`).